What Makes ConnectiCare
Plans Stand Out?

Members benefit from award-winning customer service and in-person help around the state. Employers enjoy easy online administration, including enrollment and premium bill payment.

Learn more about our plan options and ask your broker about ConnectiCare.

Road construction

groups of 51+

Large Group Plans

We work with employers in both the private and public sectors to help them deliver high-quality benefits that attract and retain talent.

  • Regional and national networks to meet the needs of your workforce.
  • Plans with deductibles waived for services like doctor office visit, urgent care, and mental health office visits.
  • Full range of funding options to address your bottom line.
Restaurant workers


Small Group Plans

One size does not fit all, even with businesses of fewer than 50 employees. We offer the following fully-insured and level-funded plans for qualifying employer groups:


  • Fixed Funding Solutions Level Funded plans for groups of 5-99


  • Small group and Individual plans offered in Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin and Berkshire counties
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groups of 5-99

Fixed Funding Solutions

Looking for a different way to fund health care coverage for your business? Fixed Funding Solutions may be right for you.

Woman buying flowers

group medicare advantage

Group Plans for Active and Retired Employees

More people are working past age 65. And longer life spans mean finding retiree solutions that will keep beneficiaries healthy while managing costs. ConnectiCare group Medicare Advantage plans are available for:

  • Retiree groups with 10 enrolled members or more.
  • Active employees of groups with fewer than 20 employees.

dental plans

Make Employees Smile

An attractive benefits package today includes dental coverage. You can choose a ConnectiCare dental plan administered by Healthplex.

  • Standard and customized plan designs available.
  • Combined medical and dental billing.
  • Competitive network with coverage for out-of-network services.

Employer plans

Contact Your Broker About ConnectiCare

See what a difference we can make for you and your employees. Not currently working with a broker? Drop us a note, and we’ll be in touch.