Here and Ready To Help

Your customers depend on you for advice and support. Count on us to be here to help you. Use these points of contact at ConnectiCare and our distribution partners to get information, forms, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here, you’ll find answers to your questions along with instructions on everything from how to register to how to make the most of the website.

Book of Business

All producers must be licensed by their state insurance department and appointed to represent ConnnectiCare. Find out more about:

ConnectiCare-appointed brokers can take advantage of these online services:

Large group, Small Group new and renewing groups beginning 6/1/24, Medicare Advantage, SOLO and Exchange Direct individual plans – sign into our secure broker website. You can use the website to:

  • View all accounts for which you are the agent of record. For group plans, that includes census details, billing information, group rates, and more.
  • Update enrollment information, such as names, addresses, and dependents.
  • Add or remove subscribers and dependents.
  • Change a group plan subscriber’s plan and division.
  • Order member identification (ID) cards.
  • Download important plan documents.

Note: most transactions take 24 hours to complete. You can also use the secure broker website to view transactions for an individual, a group, or your entire book of business.

Fixed Funding Solutions Plans – sign into our secure broker website to view and process transactions for your Fixed Funding Solutions groups as they renew beginning June 1, 2024. 

Continue to use CBIA’s website for the administration of your FFS groups until their renewal on or after June 1, 2024.(sign in)

Click on 'Book of Business' from the top menu and select one of the options to view and manage your clients for that business segment.

You can manage your groups, subgroups, subscribers and their dependents' personal information. You can also perform other activities, such as adding new members, updating coverage details, requesting ID cards, and more.

Selecting Medicare will take you to the Evolve secure broker website where you can manage your Medicare Clients.

Login to the portal, click on the Book of Business tab --> select the appropriate LOB --> Select the Client ID --> Click on Client Actions button --> Click Export Client Roster

In your 'Book of Business', select a specific client ID at the group or individual level to view the client details page. From the client details page, click the 'Billing' tab to see their premium information.

Records are kept for up to 24 months.

Go to “Book of Business;” select the “Client ID” of your client. On the “Client Details” page, navigate to the “List of Sub Groups” and click on the ID number to display the subscribers covered under that plan. Select the “Member ID” of the subscriber, open the drop-down menu for “Subscriber Actions,” select the option to “Change address” and follow the on-screen prompts.

  • Individual (Exchange and SOLO) and Medicare plan members can call Billing Services at 800-333-1733
  • Large group employers should contact their account managers.
  • Small group employers:  
    • Should continue to call CBIA for billing inquiries prior to their administration transition to ConnectiCare.
    • After a group has renewed June 1, 2024 or later, please call 866-204-3132


Premium payments are due on or before the first of the month for which the invoice applies. Information on how to pay premiums is on all individual and group premium bills. Information on how to pay individual (Exchange, SOLO, or Medicare) premiums is also on the member section of our website.

The group should pay the amount on the invoice to ensure continued coverage. At times, enrollment changes do not appear on the next month’s invoice if they were submitted too close to the date the invoice was produced. The next month’s invoice will reflect the change, adjusted premium, and any credit (if due).  

Group size is determined by total full-time equivalent employees during the prior calendar year.

ConnectiCare pays commissions monthly, one month in arrears, based on posted premium, for plans it administers. Payments may by check or by electronic funds transfer to a bank account of your choice.

Please sign into website to view the commissions page.

Only those who are paid the commission can automatically view the commission statements.

If you work for and are paid by an agency, the principal agent of that agency will have automatic access to online commission statements.

If you are paid directly from ConnectiCare, you can sign in and set up your profile to allow assistants access to commission statements.

Note: the above applies only to commissions paid by ConnectiCare on plans that it administers. 

Profile and Account Settings

To change your personal information, click your name in the top right corner and select 'My Profile'. Once you're on the profile page, click the Edit button on the right to make changes, then click Save.

Your username is unique and cannot be changed. If you need a new username for security reasons, you can request to have your current account terminated and have a new one created. Once your account has been terminated, you will lose all history associated with that account.

If you want to change your password, click your name in the top right corner and select 'My Settings'. You'll see an option to change your password.

Quoting and Enrollment

For Individual and Family, Medicare Advantage and Massachusetts Small Group/Individual

From the broker dashboard homepage, select the quote type you want to create and click on the “Go” button.

For Massachusetts small group and Individual, please select small group and enter a Massachusetts zip code within our service area.

The quotes you’ve created will be available in the quotes section of the top menu. You can view and download any previously saved quotes from there.

For large group quotes, please contact your ConnectiCare sales executive or sales manager. 

Individual and Family - Medicare Advantage - Small Group - Large Group

If you are enrolling clients from a quote you had previously saved, click 'Quotes' from the top menu and select the quote you want to enroll. Enter all required information and submit the application.

If you are starting a new enrollment, start by creating a quote. From the dashboard, choose the type of quote you want to create and click 'Go'. After creating your quote, click the 'Enroll Now' button to begin the enrollment process. 

For large group enrollment, please contact your ConnectiCare sales executive or account manager.

You can manage applications that you have started or submitted under ‘Applications’ from the top menu.

You can help your clients submit a binder payment via electronic funds transfer (EFT) or by credit card, where applicable.

Please note that the credit card option is only available for your clients within the Individual and Family segment.

You can quote as many plans as you want for individual and family, and Medicare segments. For large group enrollment, please contact your ConnectiCare sales executive or account manager.

Your progress is saved automatically every time you click ‘Next’ during an enrollment. Click ‘Applications’ from the top menu and select any application in draft status to continue the enrollment from your last completed step.

Click ‘Applications’ from the top menu and choose the business segment you want to review.

Use the filter drop down at the top to switch and view different statuses such as draft, in progress, and approved. You can also use the additional search option to find specific applications by client name or application ID.

Applications that have been successfully enrolled will include a client ID link to that will take you to the specific client details in your book of business.

 *For SOLO, Off Exchange and Large group segments

To add a subscriber, go to “Book of Business;” select the “Client ID” you want to update. On the “Client Details” page, open the drop-down menu for “Client Actions,” select “Add Subscriber" and follow the on-screen prompts.

To add a dependent, go to “Book of Business;” select the “Client ID” of your client. On the “Client Details” page, navigate to the “List of Sub Groups” and click on the ID number to display the subscribers covered under that plan. Select the “Member ID” of the subscriber associated with the dependent, open the drop-down menu for “Subscriber Actions,” select “Add dependent” and follow the on-screen prompts.

Many member forms are available on our website. You can also find forms needed for customer and member service by signing into these secure websites for brokers:

Login to the portal using your credentials. To access the quotes you have already generated and saved in the portal, from the Quote dropdown, select Small Group or Individual & Family.

  • Select In Review Individual & Family or Small Group Quotes
  • Locate the quote you are looking to edit (You can also search the required quote using the Search feature).
  • You can edit a quote by clicking on the dropdown icon from Closed Reason column.
  • You can also download a quote, close a quote or enroll from the other options in this dropdown.
  • SOLO plan members can sign into their accounts at and follow directions on how to make changes to their plans, including terminating them.
  • Members with plans purchased through the Connecticut health care exchange can contact Access Health CT to find out how to end coverage. 

Site Access

You can request access by contacting us or your agency's account administrator or principal user.

Once your account is set up, use the sign-in link from the email we sent you to access the secure broker website. You can also click the sign-in button in the top right corner of the broker section of our website.

Click your name in the top right corner and select 'My Agency'; then click the 'Related' tab to manage your users.

Under 'Related' you will see:

  • The 'Contacts' section, which includes all the people associated with your agency.
  • The 'Community Members' section, which includes the users who have access to your ConnectiCare secure broker website, based on the contact type or role you have defined for them.

If you're a principal user or administrator for your agency, follow these steps to add a new user to your account:

  1. You must first create a contact with the appropriate role or access level. Under 'My Agency', click on the 'Related' tab and then the 'New' button.
  2. On the new contact screen, enter all required information and click 'Save'.
  3. Click on the new user you just added, then select 'Enable Partner User' to activate their account.

Under 'Community Members' click the down arrow next to the user you want to manage. There you have the option to change their permissions, reset their password, and deactivate their account.

If you are the principal user or administrator for your agency, go to the 'Related' tab under 'My Agency', click the dropdown next to the user you want to update, then select 'Manage Permission Sets'.

Select the permissions you wish to assign to the user, then click the right arrow to move it to the 'Selected' box. Click 'Save' to confirm the updated permissions.

Guide to roles and permissions

If you have any questions about your role and permissions, contact your agency's administrator or contact us.

As a principal user or administrator, you can control the level of access for different users on your account. You can define who can manage your book of business, see commissions, submit applications, and more.

Sign in to your account and to to 'My Agency' to see the complete list of roles and permissions you can assign to your users.

Roles and permissions

You can retrieve your username by clicking the 'Forgot Username' link on the portal. You'll be required to input your Last Name, Registered Email ID and the License Number. Once validated, your username will be sent to your email.

For the best experience, we recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome. The secure broker website also supports the latest version of the following browsers: Microsoft Edge, and Firefox.

Yes, you can; you just need the link, your username, and password.

The license number you enter has to be nine digits. If your license number is only seven digits, add “00” at the beginning so you will be entering: 001234567.