We know your health is important to you. It’s important to us too! ConnectiCare offers a wide range of discounts, programs and services to help you and your family stay healthy and live well.
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Mental Health
Members can get confidential help for mental health and substance use disorder, even if they live away from home.
Preventive Care
Many preventive services are covered at no cost to you with your ConnectiCare plan, including no copayments, coinsurance or deductibles.
Find answers to common flu-related questions and see how the flu shot can help keep you and your family safe.
Post-Acute Care
The Post-Acute Care program will provide more personalized care to our members who may need it after a hospital stay.
Join us on a journey toward a healthier lifestyle and start seeing the benefits. WellSpark programs can help you stay active, feel more positive, and live better.
Make the Most of Your Health Plan
As a ConnectiCare member, you have access to discounts on vision, products and services, and more.